Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The next Big House Project

We will be tackling another bathroom here at the new scatterville. I got sick of the yucky peed on carpet that was remaining in there and ripped it out during Thanksgiving break. Yes most people head to the mall... I start demo work. :) So this is the before. I always forget to post before pictures. Notice the lovely vinyl tiles,
the wallpaper (I hate wallpaper), and the ducks!

Begining to look like the holidays

My little Ikea santa gnomes look great strung on some wooden bead garland in my kitchen window. They make me happy.

Letterboxing in November

It was so nice in November that we decided to head to a local park to
Here are the kids and I with a discovered box.

Stamping our books
A lone crane we found on a pond there.

Our Halloween pictures a bit late

K in her beautiful Fairy Princess costume. She picked out all the fabrics and where to put them. It turned out magical.

T dressed as Zorcon the conquerer. Not sure who that is but it made him happy. Made mom happy because it was basically the same costume as W's with modifications.

W the bad dude. Yup, he said, I'm a bad guy!

And here is the whole family right before he headed out for Trick or Treating, we made a killing in chocolate that night and am sad to report that we have since run out. Thankfully my friend Sue came down from our old scatterville to visit one night in Nov and brought Harry and David Truffles. Yummy!!!